Sunday, November 8, 2009


You can be anything and say anything if you can provide a convincing justification. Now, one might argue that mass murder, ultraviolence, and self-made god complex should never, ever be justified. But that's what makes psychopaths and totalitarian leaders so impossibly fascinating (at least for me), the way the clockworks in their brains produce reason and purpose for all the crazy shit they get up to.

"Ordinary people ransack factories for parts that can be sold for food. Party members face detention or death for questioning the beautiful lies of the Great Leader. The economy deteriorates as white elephants rise to glorify Kim. And all the while, the construction of tunnels designed to hide weapons of mass destruction proceeds apace as Kim holds fast to his plan to manufacture and test a nuclear bomb."
- Jasper Becker, Rogue Regime

Take me to Pyongyang now! Just don't leave me there by myself, I'm still a little afraid.


On the m60 bus from the airport today, an ad caught my attention but I was too suspended in disbelief to take a photo.

It was an ad calling for witnesses and informers of murders of cops, with a $10,000 reward and guaranteed anonymity for the participant. Complete with patterns of blood patches and bullets scattered across the white posters.


And to finish up the anarchic tone that seemed, by accident, to dominate this colorless post: